By Hannah Dylan Pasternak — 2020
The entrepreneur and community leader on healing, boundaries, and tuning into yourself.
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Shelly Tygielski is a radical self-care expert and creator of Pandemic of Love.
For over a decade, Dr. Lisa has worked on the ground and virtually to improve health literacy and connections in healthcare, and her company Grapevine Health has become a relatable, science-driven source for help.
The departure of young people from the churches, once the bedrock of Korean culture and identity in America, marks a significant social shift.
Many Native people have found innovative ways throughout the pandemic to continue sharing their culture despite physical distancing restrictions. Social media groups have provided some remedies, in ways that may continue after the pandemic wanes.
To understand how the term “self-care” has evolved, I dug into the history of the phrase. The term has origins in medical research, but its leap from academia to public awareness can be traced back to the Black Panther Party and Black feminist writers.
Entrepreneurs are psychologically unique. In a world where up to 90% of startups fail, the most enduring visionaries will push through, energized by the idea of experiencing freedom and success alongside the 10% who beat the odds. They’re resilient. They’re adaptable.
This guide is for people who are considering working with and for disabled people, perhaps for the very first time. It includes a brief introduction to disability justice, and then focuses on artistic and pedagogical work with the disability community.
Black adults are more likely than other groups to see their race or ethnicity as central to their identity
Many Latino activists have sought to create understanding for Black Lives Matter within their community by emphasizing the societal inequalities both groups face and how their prosperity is tied.
Want to grow your well-being? Here are the skills you need.