By Hannah Dylan Pasternak — 2020
The entrepreneur and community leader on healing, boundaries, and tuning into yourself.
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Michael A. Freeman had long noticed that entrepreneurs seem inclined to have mental health issues. Freeman and California-Berkeley psychology professor Sheri Johnson decided to take a deeper look at the issue.
For many of us, men with broad shoulders, narrow hips, taut muscles, and white skin — sun-kissed or pale under hot lights — became an ideal we couldn’t escape. We coveted images of these bodies like treasure, and they educated us in the rules of attraction.
Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being.
Experts and researchers use terms like “epidemic” and “crisis” to characterize the mental health challenges currently facing American college students. Statistics back up these claims.
The American Psychiatric Association describes eco-anxiety as “a chronic fear of environmental doom.” Sound familiar? You or your loved ones experiencing eco-anxiety are not alone! Keep reading for our tips on combating eco-anxiety through acts of self-care and climate action.
It is no wonder that most caregivers lack sleep. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says 37 percent of all caregivers report insufficient sleep. But caregiver sleep loss goes beyond missing a few hours to binge-watch a favorite show. It is a constant decline in sleep quantity and quality.
Inspiring others when you’re struggling yourself.
No one said building a company is easy. But it’s time to be honest about how brutal it really is—and the price so many founders secretly pay.
“For your husband, your illness may have made him acutely aware of not just your mortality, but also his own.”
A cancer diagnosis brings a wealth of psychological challenges. In fact, adults living with cancer have a six-time higher risk for psychological disability than those not living with cancer.