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Herbalist-Turned-Medical Student Melds Two Traditions of Healing

By Susan Gonzalez — 2010

Not many parents can say they have never given their kids an antibiotic or a pharmaceutical pain-relief medication for an ear infection or sore throat, but first-year medical resident Dr. Aviva Romm can.

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Dr. Andrew Weil Says We’re Taking Too Many Medicines

People expect to be medicated when they go to doctors, and this is all doctors are trained to do. They’re not taught other methods for managing common conditions.

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How to Hardwire Resilience into Your Brain

We’ll be better prepared for life’s challenges if we cultivate these 12 inner strengths.

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The Latest Parenting Trend–Radical Amazement

The 20th-century rabbi and theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel writes often about “radical amazement,” that sense of “wow” about the world, as the root of spirituality.

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Parenting as a Spiritual Practice

There is enough room in our spiritual expressions not only for all of the love we feel for our families, but also for the hectic, distracted chaos that so often defines parenting small children — if we are willing to expand our understanding of what religious expression is, and can be.

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Inspiration and Joy Amidst Suffering and Loss

As Buddhist teaching says, suffering has the potential to deepen our compassion and understanding of the human condition. And in so doing, it can lead us to even greater faith, joy and well-being.

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Integrative Medicine