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The Great Circle-Dance of the Religions

By David Stendl-Rast

The driving force of the spiritual quest is our longing to belong.

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Philosophical Mysticism in Plato, Hegel, and the Present

Few twenty-first century academics take seriously mysticism's claim that we have direct knowledge of a higher or more “inner” reality or God. But Philosophical Mysticism argues that such leading philosophers of earlier epochs as Plato, G. W. F.

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Why Study Simone Weil with Philip Goodchild

Prof. Philip Goodchild introduces the thought of Simone Weil (1909-1943) who has been described as a philosopher, a religious thinker, a mystic, and linked with any number of philosophers from Plato to Marx.

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The Mystic Foundation: Understanding and Exploring the Magical Universe

The sheer number of mystical traditions in the world can be overwhelming to seekers new to the metaphysical world. Summing up the universal truths underlying many mystic institutions, The Mystic Foundation is an initial step toward understanding the wisdom of each.

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Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion

Drawing on his experiences as a former priest, Watts skillfully explains how the intuition of Eastern religion—Zen Buddhism, in particular—can be incorporated into the doctrines of Western Christianity, allowing people of all creeds to enjoy a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the spiritual...

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Eastern Wisdom, Modern Life: Collected Talks 1960–1969

Alan Watts introduced millions of Western readers to Zen and other Eastern philosophies, but he’s also recognized as a brilliant commentator on Judeo-Christian traditions as well as a celebrity philosopher who exemplified the ideas—and lifestyle—of the 1960s counterculture.

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The Meaning of Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East

Deep down, most people think that happiness comes from having or doing something.

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A History of Religious Ideas, Volume 3: From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms

This volume completes the immensely learned three-volume A History of Religious Ideas.

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Comparing Belief Traditions