By David Deida — 2012
Everything you do, every moment of thought and feeling, is based on your fear of death and your stressful need to accomplish success and experience love.
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Normal bereavement and major depression share many of the same symptoms. And because of those similarities, psychiatrists have historically carved out what is known as a "bereavement exclusion." Its purpose was to reduce the likelihood that normal grief would be diagnosed as clinical depression.
I believe that social workers need to focus on that which we are trained to do: extend civic love and compassion to the client, staring where he or she is. We are not wed to the medical model; social work is ecological, psychosocial, and systems oriented.
The author of Discovering Your Soul Signature shares his unexpected take on one of life’s hardest emotions—and how to get back to joy again.
Courageously facing your pain can be terrifying. However, when you allow your past and present sorrows to flow through you, pain releases its grip. You’re then free to walk away with greater awareness, love, and gratitude for the lessons that came from your experience.