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Decision-Making Should Be a Required Course in Every High School

By Steven Johnson — 2018

We spend too much time making kids memorize facts instead of giving them the skill that will help them throughout their lives.

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It’s Time to Talk About the Cost of Emotional Labor at Work

Much like the struggle to recognize the economic contributions of childcare for stay-at-home parents, there could be a similar gap in the working world. The definition of emotional labor being used here is that of unpaid, invisible work.

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How ‘Service With a Smile’ Takes a Toll on Women

When workers’ emotions deviate from what’s expected of their gender, they are often left to process the backlash on their own.

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What Women Should Tell Their Bosses When They Have Cancer

We hear a lot about the struggles of working women and the notion that we can create some semblance of order between managing responsibilities at home and at work. It’s the elusive work/life balance every working woman longs to achieve.

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Fitting Breast Cancer Treatment into Your Schedule

Whether to work during treatment is a very personal decision that depends on a number of factors, including your financial and work situation, how you experience treatments and their side effects, your privacy preferences, and, perhaps, a desire or not to keep your daily routine going.

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Why Has COVID-19 Been Especially Harmful for Working Women?

COVID-19 is hard on women because the U.S. economy is hard on women, and this virus excels at taking existing tensions and ratcheting them up.

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How to Talk to Your Boss About Emotional Labor

Effective strategies for discussing the invisible load you’re shouldering in the workplace.

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Decision Making