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Compassionate Wrath: Transpersonal Approaches to Anger

By Robert Augustus Masters — 2000

In this essay, two transpersonally-oriented approaches to anger are closely examined, and a radical reconsideration of anger is recommended.

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Facing Yourself

You are a warrior when you have the bravery to face who you are, without fear, embarassment, or denial. This warriorship is the basis of the spiritual path, says Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Through the practice of sitting meditation, the warrior discovers basic goodness.

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The Answer to Anger and Aggression Is Patience

We can suppress anger and aggression or act it out, either way making things worse for ourselves and others. Or we can practice patience: wait, experience the anger and investigate its nature. Pema Chödrön takes us step by step through this powerful practice.

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Transpersonal Psychology