By Melvin McLeod and Joanna Macy — 2020
Joanna Macy discusses the Great Awakening the planet needs.
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Once you’ve decided on the time and location of your forest bath or decide to join a group journey into the forest, you’ve made a commitment to yourself and to Mother Earth.
The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Desertification, mass extinction, peak oil and economic upheaval together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions.
It’s the movement of all those who want to create a life-sustaining society, writes Joanna Macy, and it’s even more important at a time when the future looks so bad.
“Yes, it looks bleak," says Joanna Macy. "But you are still alive now. You are alive with all the others, in this present moment. And because the truth is speaking in the work, it unlocks the heart."
Joanna Macy discusses politics, the media, activism, and the importance of waking up.
There is so much change occurring politically and economically, and in the environment it is important that we hold a good and positive vision for the planet.
If we open to the possibility that a major paradigm shift of awareness around climate change is possible, we can become part of the tipping point that can make a huge difference to humanity, all other life forms and a planet crying out for our loving care.