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Life as Moments of Mercy: An Interview with Stephen Levine

By Randy Peyser, Stephen Levine — 2013

Much of the work that Ondrea and I do is the work of encouraging the mind to sink into the heart. We explore grief—not just the grief of the loss of a loved one, but the loss of safety, confidence, and trust which accompanies grief.

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The Extra Stigma of Mental Illness for African-Americans

Our culture has taught us that we do not have the privilege of being vulnerable like other communities.

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Shame and Compassion: Q&A With Paul Gilbert, Part 1 of 2

How do shame and compassion relate to one another?

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How to Live Our Most Meaningful Lives with Compassion and Self-Love

In 1989, at one of the first international Buddhist teacher meetings, Western teachers brought up the enormous problem of unworthiness and self-criticism, shame and self-hatred that frequently they arise in Western students’ practice.

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Reaching Out for Compassion

At a weekend workshop I led, one of the participants, Marian, shared her story about the shame and guilt that had tortured her.

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