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Forgiveness Meditation

By Stephen Levine — 2013

What is forgiveness? What might it be to bring forgiveness into one’s life, into one’s mind?

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A Short Meditation Practice with Jana Long

Follow your Savasana with a short 8-minute meditation from Jana Long, increasing the duration over time. Sit still and quiet and become aware of how your breath feels. If you find you are thinking or clinging to thoughts, let them go and return to feeling your breath.

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A 5-Minute Morning Meditation Has Changed the Way I Start My Day

In the past, I’ve felt kind of foolish every time I’ve tried morning meditation. I kind of tried to keep with a regular practice but it just wasn’t working for me.

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What Is the Best Type of Meditation?

Meditation offers time for relaxation and heightened awareness in a stressful world where our senses are often dulled. Research suggests that meditation has the potential for more than just temporary stress relief.

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