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Why Painful Things Happen to Good People

By Gary Zukav — 2013

Understanding how caretaking is different from caregiving.

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The enormous challenge is to make wise decisions about how and when to say what to whom, and even before that, to know what we really want to say and what we hope to accomplish by saying it.

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don Miguel Ruiz: Why You Should Always Be Impeccable with Your Word | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

Of Toltec teacher don Miguel Ruiz's four agreements to living a more authentic life, he says the first is the most important: Be impeccable with your word. Watch as he and Oprah discuss why this intention is so much more than just doing what you said you would do it's about finding your own truth.

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The Potent Self: A Study of Spontaneity and Compulsion

Moshé Feldenkrais, D.Sc., a visionary scientist who pioneered the field of mind-body education and therapy, has inspired countless people worldwide.

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