By Tonya Russell — 2020
She says attention needs to be paid to ending systemic racism throughout all of Black people’s lives—as well as in their safety in birth. And given Latham’s line of work, that last piece is a topic that’s particularly important to her.
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To make sense of the movements of life, many ancient traditions use paradigms and models that in English are translated as “energy.” The Hindu traditions often use the term Shakti, that without which nothing happens. This refers to the feminine aspect of the Divine.
The main complaint amongst people who “aren't meditators” is that they hate the idea of sitting still with their thoughts. But considering all of the benefits associated with the practice—it boosts creativity, calms anxiety, and helps with focus, to name a few—it may be worth reconsidering.
To help you learn how to meditate and integrate it into your life, SELF asked meditation experts some of your most common meditation questions.
If carving out an hour to sit on a cushion doesn’t float your boat, there are many unexpected ways to meditate every day. Get the benefits of meditation by trying out an alternative style from this list.
Not all meditation styles are right for everyone. These practices require different skills and mindsets. How do you know which practice is right for you?
Because I’m at ease with my disability and have grown to understand my limitations, it’s been easier for me to figure out solutions to what might be everyday obstacles to other people.
Born with a rare neuromuscular condition, the New York–based mother of twins and psychotherapist has dealt with physical limitations her whole life. But what these limitations have resulted in is a rich list of abilities and lessons that she is uniquely suited to pass down to her children.
But despite the challenges, kids raised by one or more disabled parents often benefit immensely from the experience.
The definition of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. The notion of emotions being important in our lives goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.
Now, five years later, this is blindingly obvious to me – and my son has become the happiest I’ve seen him since he was a child.