By D. Patrick Miller — 1998
I’m sure this reveals something about my personality type, but I like to think of Helen Palmer as The Psychic Who Made Mother Jones Nervous.
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Personality types, based on the ancient system of the Enneagram, will help you to enjoy more satisfying and fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life by introducing you to the nine basic personality types inherent in human nature.
New from Helen Palmer, a "leading teacher and practitioner of the Enneagram" (San Francisco Chronicle), the first Enneagram book to give practical advice, in fascinating detail, on how to have the best possible relationships in love and business.
Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection.
The Intuition Guidebook provides help for those who feel they are too sensitive, hearing things no one else hears, seeing things that aren’t there, having dreams that come true—psychic.
Where have all the grownups gone? In answering that question with the same freewheeling erudition and intuitive brilliance that made Iron John a national bestseller, poet, storyteller and translator Robert Bly tells us that we live in a "sibling society, " in which adults have regressed into...
Why have you been given this singular treasure that is your life―and how will you use it? What is the purpose for the unique blend of gifts, skills, experiences, and perspectives that you alone possess? To support you in answering these questions and living in sync with your inner calling,...
As human beings, we all share the desire for happiness and meaning in our lives. According to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the ability to find true fulfillment lies within each of us.
When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...
Those seeking spiritual enlightenment and personal growth will welcome this broad examination of the factors, such as religion, education, and psychotherapy, that affect and stimulate growth.
Since this book on enneatypes in psychotherapy requires that the reader have a previous acquaintance with ego-types in light of the Enneagram, I have included here an account of the character styles themselves. This book contains nine divisions, each with a similar threefold structure: 1.