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The Latest Parenting Trend–Radical Amazement

By Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg — 2013

The 20th-century rabbi and theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel writes often about “radical amazement,” that sense of “wow” about the world, as the root of spirituality.

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International Men’s Day: How to Raise the Next Generation of Men

Suicide remains far higher among men than women, and the HSE reports that, in the most recent year of data, the highest rate was among men aged 25-35.

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Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids

As anyone who has been called out for hypocrisy by a small child knows, kids are exquisitely attuned to gaps between what grown-ups say and what grown-ups do.

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The Changing Ways Parents React to Their Kids Coming Out of the Closet

A conversation with the sociologist Mary Robertson on how some queer youth are pleasantly surprised with the lack of family drama the news causes.

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Advice to Parents on Raising a Happy and Healthy LGBTQ Child

When many LGBTQ people look back on their childhood, we remember a mixture of confusingly feeling different; being harassed for our sexual identities; and realizing how important our parents, teachers and other authority figures were in either helping us through those years—or making our lives worse.

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What Does it Mean to Be Creative at the End of the World?

A few months and many deaths ago, I woke up exhausted, again. Every morning, I felt like I was rebuilding myself from the ground up. Waking up was hard. Getting to my desk to write was hard. Taking care of my body was hard. Remembering the point of it all was hard.

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How to Divide Chores Among Your Kids

Dividing chores among your kids in an organized and effective fashion is important for their development and important for your sanity as a parent.

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What Becoming a Parent Really Does to Your Happiness

Research has found that having children is terrible for quality of life—but the truth about what parenthood means for happiness is a lot more complicated.

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Before You Let Your Child Fail, Read This

It’s not easy to let our kids be less than perfect.

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Regretting Motherhood: What Have I Done to My Life?

I love my kids fiercely. But, if I’m being totally honest, there are times when I catch myself dreaming about the life I might have if I weren’t chained to three young kids, a husband and a mortgage.

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Becoming a Stepparent

Becoming a stepparent by blending families or marrying someone with kids can be rewarding and fulfilling. If you've never had kids, you'll get the chance to share your life with a younger person and help to shape his or her character.

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