By Craig Gustafson — 2017
What would you do if you were powerless? The answer is: You have to find a rescuer.
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The impact of our subconscious programming, and how to overcome it.
The Black community is more inclined to say that mental illness is associated with shame and embarrassment. Individuals and families in the Black community are also more likely to hide the illness.
Most genetic studies completely ignore the science of epigenetics, which is how the environment actually turns certain genes on or off.
My worst enemy is as close as it gets: She's literally under my skin. Oh, there are other people in the world who have hurt my feelings, called me names and sabotaged my work, health and relationships. But when it comes to acting against my own interests, no one can hold a candle to yours truly.
Embracing the Beauty of “I Don’t Know” through challenges.
Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.
Taken for granted in Western culture for more than a hundred years, the dualistic view of the universe—the split between mind and matter, body and spirit, faith and reason, essentially between science and spirituality—is now being fundamentally questioned by Western science and religion alike.
One of the most famous expressions of the concept of non-duality, the Heart Sutra is but one example of an idea that humans have alternately embraced and dismissed for millennia. What is non-duality, then, and why do we find it both unsettling and desirable?
It may be that the best way to understand the world is not through science or spirituality alone – but through an approach which combines them both.
How did we get here? Where are we going? How will we get there? As individuals and on the societal level, these questions are at the heart of the human condition. The answers can provide a road map for how we live our lives.