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Help When Your Heart Breaks

By Joan Halifax — 2018

Caring for people who are suffering is a loving, even heroic calling, but it takes a toll. Roshi Joan Halifax teaches this five-step program to care for yourself while caring for others.

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What Loneliness Does to the Human Body

The bodies of lonely people are markedly different from the bodies of non-lonely people.

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Emotional Side of Caregiving

Whether you become a caregiver gradually or all of sudden due to a crisis, or whether you are a caregiver willingly or by default, many emotions surface when you take on the job of caregiving.

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Social Isolation’s High Physical and Psychological Toll

Studies of polar researchers, astronauts, and others in isolation shed light on possible effects of social distancing, including increased forgetfulness, depression and heart attacks.

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Caregiver Well-Being