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Intention Is the Practice

By Norman Fischer — 2017

On the Buddhist path, says Zen teacher Norman Fischer, our intention deepens into commitment and then into vow. At that point, our intentions and our life become one.

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Buddhism vs. Zen

Zen is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China, when Buddhists were introduced to Taoists.

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10 Intentions to Set for Your Most Authentic Life

Setting an intention is like drawing a map of where you wish to go—it becomes the driving force behind your goals and visions.

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How to Live a Self-Determined Life with Intention

Living a self-determined life doesn’t mean that you have to quit your job or move countries or make any other radical changes, it’s all about the small steps.

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What Unites Buddhism and Psychotherapy? One Therapist Has the Answer.

In The Zen of Therapy, Mark Epstein weaves together two ways of understanding how humans can feel more settled in their lives.

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Developing a Conscience: Knowing the Difference Between Right and Wrong

There are various developmental theories that go into the tool kit that parents and educators utilize to help mold caring and ethically intact people, including those of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.

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How to Raise a Kid with a Conscience in the Digital Age

Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.

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What’s in a Word? Samsara

Our expert explains the etymology of samsara.

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Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem

Essentially each practitioner of Buddhist meditation makes the journey alone, but many find that committing themselves to the three jewels—Buddha, dharma, and sangha—helps take them further.

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The Pāramis: Heart of Buddha’s Teachings and Our Own Practice

One of the roots of the word parami conveys the sense of “supreme quality.” Pāramītā means “going toward” something, going toward perfection.

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Re-Fleshing Mindfulness with Buddhism, Dr. Miles Neale

Often, when teaching a new idea or practice, it helps to try to boil it down to its essentials. Getting to the pith of things is very important and being able to do so in a way that reaches and sticks with others is a sign of genius.

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