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Seane Corn: Grief Transforms Us

By Seane Corn

Grief is non-discriminatory, often inconvenient, and can hit us like a brick.

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An Open Letter to Grievers

Grief, especially when traumatic, can shut us down and disconnect us or it can shatter our hearts into a million pieces of fierce compassion in the world. One way or another, we change.

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MISS Foundation: Helping Families Deal with Tragic Losses

The MISS Foundation serves families who are dealing with one of life’s ultimate darkest hours: the death of a child.

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Father’s Campaign: More Time Off for Grieving Parents

Following the death of his 18-year-old daughter, Barry Kluger is campaigning for federal law to allow more time off for grieving parents.

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A Force for Change: Coping With Grief Through Activism and Advocacy

When people are pushed into advocacy or social work as a result of a traumatic loss, part of the benefit for those affected is in keeping busy, but it’s also a way to memorialize their loved ones, explained Joanne Cacciatore, an associate research professor at Arizona State University who studies...

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Care Farming: Using Restorative Spaces to Address Traumatic Grief

A new study explores the importance of care farming, using therapeutic spaces to treat individuals impacted by traumatic grief.

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Finding Purpose in Grief: The MISS Foundation Offers a Light at the End of Life’s Darkest Tunnel

A young mother nears the end of her pregnancy with the hope that this child will be as healthy as her other three children. For some reason, however, she feels a sense that something is wrong.

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The MISS Foundation: A Lifeline to Grieving Families

Joanne Cacciatore of Sedona started the nonprofit MISS Foundation in 1996 to provide counseling, advocacy, research and education services to families who have endured the death of a child.

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Helping Those Lost in the Darkness of Grief Find Themselves Again

Parents who have suffered the loss of a child are generally offered limited physical and emotional space for bereavement.

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The Geography of Sorrow

"But now we’re asked — and sometimes forced — to carry grief as a solitary burden. And the psyche knows we are not capable of handling grief in isolation." - Francis Weller

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Through a Glass Darkly: Miriam Greenspan on Moving from Grief to Gratitude

"Well, the Buddha taught that we increase our suffering through our attempts to avoid it." - Miriam Greenspan

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